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Ariap joins Novagroup

Ariap joins Novagroup

On January 1st 2021 Ariap became part of Novagroup, a Union of companies operating in the world of the spare parts, for industrial vehicles and cars, to reach more ambitious goals and a stronger role in the world of the aftermarket and OEM truck spare part.

Novagroup, further of being a national union, is part of Temot, one of the main aggregations of companies operating in the distribution of spare parts globally, a leader in the Aftermarket sector that is expanding worldwide. A strategic alliance consisting of 61 members present in 60 countries and in 4 continents.

Nowadays , in such a dynamic market, participation in international groups is essential to become a point of reference for our sector.

The solid experience, gained in 50 years of activity in the local area, is the key factor that have driven Ariap's growth, even in a period like this which is not that easy. As a truck specialist within Novagroup, Ariap will push hard on new planning and growth strategies.

We have always strongly believed in the value of the cooperation- has commented Daniele Leucata, CEO of Ariap - and today more than ever I believe that it’s important to be an active and integral part of a cohesive and motivated group, which has well-defined goals, such as Novagroup. Equally important is the international aim which comes from joining Novagroup, and therefore Temot International, and the commercial opportunities that will arise. – As a company , in fact, I expect from one hand an expansion of the range of our products, and on the other hand a grow of the service level and training that we can provide to customers "

Ariap strongly believes in the value of cooperation and the team, at any level:either with internal and external collaborators, with customers and suppliers and from this cooperation it is ready to seize all opportunities and develop strategies in order to satisfy always at the best its customers needs and consolidate more and more the relationship with them.

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Notiziario Veicoli Industriali
Notiziario Motoristico